Category Archives: organization

Closet makeover

As you will know if you’ve read any of my previous posts, I’m a convert to the Marie Kondo way of decluttering and organizing your home. I completed phase I and have been working slowly on phase II.

I still live with objects that don’t spark joy, but I have a master list and I am slowly replacing them or decluttering them completely.

Mostly, though, I’ve been engaged in a desultorily sort of final organization. My brother’s partner suggested a place that had really attractive storage boxes that are now housing the family mementos that had hitherto been in Sterlite containers. And I decided to fine tune the closet.

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The Gift wrap conundrum: KonMari

Nothing has stumped me quite like a final storage solution for wrapping paper and gift wrapping items such as ribbons, tags, and bags.

I don’t feel too badly about this because judging by what I’ve found on Pinterest, blogs, and various web sites, I am not alone.

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KonMari Reorg – Progress

I am moving along with Phase II.

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Phase II: It begins

After finishing Phase I of my massive decluttering KonMari project, I took a bit of a break. I think I needed it. Don’t get me wrong, I am glad I went through the whole process, but it was emotionally and physically draining.

There were a few small projects in there. A year or so ago, I purchased some drapes that I finally had hemmed by a very kind person. Those are now in my bedroom and I replaced a few things, chucking the older items.

So Phase II.

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KonMari – Next steps

So you want to try this Marie Kondo thing?

A couple of people have been asking me if I have advice about doing this. I do.

My first suggestion is that you pick a couple of small categories or subcategories that aren’t emotionally loaded for you. Make sure you get all of the category/subcategory together in one place, and then try the method. If it doesn’t work, you’re not out a ton of time or effort. If it does, you have proof of concept.


  • Use her category order (clothes, books, papers, miscellaneous, sentimental)
  • If you have too much of a category, do a subcategory
  • Identify a staging area – she suggests the floor, but it could be a bed, a table top, anything
  • Make sure you get ALL of the category/subcategory together for sorting
  • Have a disposal plan in place, be it charity donations, trash, recycling, consignment shop
  • Don’t let it all pile up, I got it out of the house as I went
  • There will be items you need, but cannot afford to replace right now. Create a list somewhere and just add those items to it. When you have the money, try and make a thoughtful purchase and get rid of the old item.

This worked for me.

I learned a lot about myself, what I really liked, just how much guilt I’d put into the things that surrounded me (I can’t possibly get rid of that even though I never really liked it because it was a gift from so-and-so), that I’m a very visual person, and that I’m not terribly self-aware about certain things.

It wasn’t always easy. In fact sometimes it was downright hard.

But since starting this, I’ve maintained all the spaces I’ve decluttered. I can find things now. Getting dressed is not a terrible chore.

Phase II is me trying to see what the best possible way to organize what remains. I have some ideas, but I’m trying to make thoughtful, careful decisions about this. I’ll blog about that as I go.

My life is still very stressful. Work hasn’t calmed down. My health is still a problem. The factors that were out of control are still kind of out of control, but for the first time like ever, my home feels in control. And for that I am very grateful.

KonMari – Sentimental Journey

It took a few days, but, Reader, I am done with “sentimental” and therefore also done with Phase I.

I have now gone through every single one of my possessions.

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Komono – Finished!

Reader, tonight I finished the miscellaneous category of my possessions.

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Komono – Check In

I’m well at the half way mark, probably for the entirety of my house as well as this category.

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That’s Entertainment! – KonMari

Yeah, I know (and that really doesn’t properly convey the enormity of what I had). Continue reading

Linens – KonMari

I keep surprising myself.

The next subcategory I wanted to tackle was linens, meaning: towels, bedding, table linens, rags, and some miscellaneous fabric. I chose to do this for two reasons. The first is that I want to clear some space and I happen to have a decent sized linen closet, a hope chest, and a massive steamer trunk. The second is that I thought this would be a nice manageable, easy victory subcategory.

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